
Emerald Tablet

The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Smaragdine Table, or Tabula Smaragdina, is a compact and cryptic piece of the Hermetica reputed to contain the secret of the prima materia and its transmutation. It was highly regarded by European alchemists as the foundation of their art and its Hermetic tradition. The original source of the Emerald Tablet is unknown. Although Hermes Trismegistus is the author named in the text, its first known appearance is in a book written in Arabic between the sixth and eighth centuries. The text was first translated into Latin in the twelfth century. Numerous translations, interpretations and commentaries followed.

The layers of meaning in the Emerald Tablet have been associated with the creation of the philosopher’s stone, laboratory experimentation, phase transition, the alchemical magnum opus, the ancient, classical, element system, and the correspondence between macrocosm and microcosm.

The tablet text


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  1. 什麼是格西?什麼是仁波切、喇嘛、活佛?
  2. 佛陀為何不願意回答有關「十四難」的問題
  3. 什麼是現量,比量和非量
  4. 維那與悅眾
  5. 離四句 絕百非
  6. 大乘三系: 性空唯名 虛妄唯識 真常唯心
  7. 文始真經
  8. 莊子•外物篇:涸轍枯魚
  9. 華嚴經摘錄
  10. 因陀羅網
  11. 達摩西來無一字
  12. 虛空生汝心內 猶如片雲點太清裏
